Bird Engineering


About the Author

I'm Neal Rice. Thirtysomething going on fortysomething. I write science fiction, fantasy, and slice-of-life fiction about animals that look like people. If you want to know more about me, you can read some more info here.

You can reach me at mail (at) bird (dot) engineering if you want – I do my best to respond to every e-mail I receive.

About the Fonts

The font used on this website is Bitstream Charter, developed by Matthew Carter for Bitstream in 1987. It's based off a font by Pierre-Simon Fournier, the typographer who invented the Point system of letter measurement. You can read more about it on Wikipedia here.

The color scheme in use is supposed to be a bit of a departure from my normal, more modern design philosophy; to that effect I'm adding some visual contrast by using a lot of serifs and more neutral tones. It works in both dark and light mode.

About the Site

This is Steller Space. The name "Steller Space" comes from the idea of "interstellar space" and "Steller's Jay," a bird native to the Pacific Northwest. It was the title of the science fiction story behind my fursona, and now it's the title of this website.

Updates are infrequent and with no commitment nor pattern; when I do update the site, you can get updates from my Telegram channel.

The content on this website is written using Markdown for formatting. The technology behind the content on this website is built on Eleventy using the Eleventy-Base-Blog soup-starter template.

catflake, being held aloft

(art by Cinnamonspots)